Titel,Udg.,Forfatter,ISBN nr:
- 304 Circuits – Elektor Electronics, ,Elektor, 0-905705-34-3
- 80 Meter DXing, 1,ON4UN J.Dvoldere, 0-918232-06-6
- Amatør-radiostationer i Danmark (QTH), ,Stougaard Jensen, 87-982494-6-0
- Amatør Radio Techniques, 5,RSGB
- Antenna Impedance Matching Caron, ,Wilfred N., 0-87259-220-0
- Antenna Modeling Course, ,Cebik L.B W4RNL, 0-87259-872-1
- Antenna Modeling for beginners, ,Silver H. Ward – N0AX, 978-87259-396-1
- Antenna Tuners 1 Hallas, ,Joel R., 13 978-0-87259-098-4
- Antennen Buch Karl Rothammel, ,Rothammel Karl, 3-440-4214 6
- Antennen Buch Karl Rothammel, ,Rothammel Karl Y21BK, 3-440-05853-0
- Anvendt Elektronik, 1,Soelberg Jan, 87-980079-63
- Anvendt Elektronik, 2,Soelberg Jan, 87-980079-39
- APRS Moving Hams on Radio and the Internet, ,ARRL, 0-87259-916-7
- Basic Electricity and DC Circuits, , , TI 0-89512-009-7
- Basic Electronics for Scientists, 5,Brophy James, 0-07-100675-3
- Bogen om operationsforstærkere, 1,Dam Ravn E., 87-11-03783-0
- Build your own Electronics test Instrum., , Elektor, 0-905705-37-8
- Build Your Own Test Ewuipment, ,Bergquist Carl J., 0-7908-1130-9
- Byg med digitale kredse, ,Drejer Niels,
- CC25 25 års Jubilæum nummer, ,Circuit Cellar,
- Circuit Overload 1, , Fielding John – ZS5JF, 1-905086-20-2
- Cubical Quad Antennas, 3,Orr W. I – Cowan S.D., 0-933616-03-1
- De Moderne senderrør, ,Otzen Børge – OZ8T,
- Digital-teknik, ,Drejer Niels, 87-11-03781-4
- Elektronik håndbogen, ,Drejer Niels, 87-11-03814-4
- Elektronik Ståbi, 1,Boman Mogens – Fialla, J.,
- Experimental Methods in RF Design, 1,ARRL, 0-87259-879-9
- Field Day Handbook for Radio Amateurs, 1,ARRL, 13 978-0-87259-088-5
- Forstærkning med Elektronik, ,Holm Ryan, 87-01-41861-0
- Halvledere – elementær fysik, ,Philips Skoleservice,
- HAM Radio for Arduino and PICAXE, 1,Klotz Leigh L. WA5ZNU, 978-0-87259-324-4
- Ham Radio Operating Guide, ,ARRL, LCCC 76-25766
- Hand-on Radio Experiments, 1,Silver H. Ward – N0AX, 0-87259-125-5
- HF Antenna Collection, Erwin David, G4LQI, RSGB
- HF Antennas for All Locations, 2, Moxon Les – G6XN,
- HF Antennas for All Locations, ,Moxon Les – G6XN, 0-900612-57-6
- HF Antennas for Everyone, ,Read Giles, 9781-9050-8659-7
- HF Dipole Antennas for Amateur Radio, ARRL, 978-1-62595-099-4, pr. 07-05-2019
- Hints & Kinks for the Radio Amateur, 16,ARRL, 0-87259-892-6
- Homebrew Cookbook 1, ,Skelton Eamon – EI9GQ, 9781-9050-8657-3
- KiCad 6 Like a pro, Fundamentals and Projects,
- KiCad 6 Like a pro, Projects, tips and recipes
- Integrated Services Digital Network, ,Helgert Hermann, 0-201-52501-1
- Linux, Friheden til at vælge, ,Peter Toft m.fl., 87-7900-044-4
- Low-Band DXìng, 2,Devoldere John, 0-87259-466-1
- Low Power Communication, Rich Arland, W3OSS, 0-87259-104-2
- Low Profile Amateur, Al Brogdon, W1AB, 0-87259-974-4
- Mess-Technik für funkamateure, ,Cordes Hans,
- Nifty E-Z Guide to D-STAR Operation, , 2,Lafreniere Bernie – N6FN,
- ON4UN’s Low-Band DXing, 5,Devoldere John, 978-0-87259-856-0
- PA-trin med rør, 1,Gruby Steen – OZ9ZI,
- PM3110 til undervisning og service, ,Philips,
- Practical Antenne Handbook, 5,Carr J. J.-Hippisley G., 978-0-07-163958-3
- Practical Electronica Crash Course, Dogan Ibrahim & Ahmet Ibrahim, 978-3-89576-605-3
- Practical Wireless Cirduit, 18,Morrison & Gibb ltd,
- Proceedings of the first annual wireless Symposium, , ,
- QRP Basic, 1,Dobbs Rev. George – G3RJV, 9781-8723-0991-9
- Radio Communication Handbook, 5,RSGB, 0-900612-18-4
- Radio Data Reference Book, 4,Giles, T. G. – Jessop G. R., 0-900612-32-0
- Radio Auroras,, 9781-9050-8681-8
- Radio Propagation Explained,, 9781-9101-9328-0
- Raspberry Pi – Owner workshop Manual, 1, Girling Gray, 978-0-85733-295-0
- Schaltungen mit Halbleiterbauelementen band 2, ,Siemens,
- Schaltungen mit Halbleiterbauelementen band 3, ,Siemens,
- Schaltungen mit Halbleiterbauelementen band 4, ,Siemens,
- Simple and Fub Antennas for Hams, ,Hutchinson C – Straw D, 0-87259-862-4
- Solid State Short Wave Receivers for Beginners, ,Penfold, R. A.,
- Technical Topics scrapbook alle 50 years, 1,Hawker Pat – G3VA, 9781-9050-8639-9
- Test Equipment for the Radio Amateur, ,Smith Clive – GM4FZH, 9781-9050-8672-6
- The Antenna Experimenter’s Guide, 2,Dodd, Peter – G3LDO, 1-872309-36-4
- The ARRL Antenna Book for Radio Comm., 22,ARRL,
- The ARRL Antenna Book for Radio Comm., 23,ARRL,
- The ARRL Arduino for Ham Radio, RSGB, 978-1-62595-016-1
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Comm., 67,ARRL 1990, 0-87259-167-0
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Comm., 71,ARRL 1994, 0-87259-171-9
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Comm., 74 ARRL 1997, 0-87259-174-3
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Comm., 80 ARRL 2003, 0-87259-195-8
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Comm., 84 ARRL 2007, 0-87259-977-9
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Comm., 85 ARRL 2008, 0-87259-102-6
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Comm., 89 ARRL 2012, 978-0-87259-663-4
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Comm. 2018,
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Comm. 2023. Volume 1: 978-1-62595-161-8
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Comm. 2023. Volume 2: 978-1-62595-162-5
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Comm. 2023. Volume 3: 978-1-62595-163-2
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Comm. 2023. Volume 4: 978-1-62595-164-9
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Comm. 2023. Volume 5: 978-1-62595-165-6
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Comm. 2023. Volume 6: 978-1-62595-166-3
- The ARRL RSGB, Internatonal Microwave Handbook, Andy Barter G8ATD, 1-872309-83-0
- The ARRL Satellite Handbook, 0-87259-653-3
- The ARRL VHF DIGITAL Handbook, Steve Ford WB8IMY, 0-87259-122-0
- The ARRL’s Wire Antenna Classics, 1,ARRL, 0-87259-707-5
- The Challenge and 160!, ,Dunn Si,
- The Radio Handbook 1938 udgaven, 4,PPC Chicago,
- The Radio Amateur’s Guide to EMC, Robin Page Jones G3JWI, 1-872309-16-X
- The VHF/UHF Book, 1,Publishing Ltd, 0-9520468-0-6
- Transistorer – Teori og praksis, 6,Radio Television,
- TVT Tranzis, Transistoren Vergleichstabelle, 3-7723-5555-2
- Understanding – Building and using Baluns & Ununs, ,Sevick Jerry, 0-943016-24-X
- Vertical Antenna Classics, 1,ARRL, 0-87259-979-5
- VHF/UHF Handbook, 2,Barter Andy, 9781-9050-8631-8
- Vi eksperimenterer med dioder og andre halvledere, ,Høst & Søn, 87-14-27537-6
- W1FB’s QRP Notebook, ,DeMaw Doug – W1FB, 0-87259-365-7
- Weather Satellite Handbook, 4,Taggart Ralph E., 0-87259-319-3
- Wire Antenna Classics Vol. 2, 1,ARRL, 0-87259-770-9